Yesterday, I hoped for a big improvement and that's exactly what happened. Technical support arrived my ward (Iganmu) this morning in the shape of an update to the 'OpenVR' Registration Software. It's taken a little while, but INEC is beginning to react to the complaints. Expect widespread reports of greater satisfaction with the process in the coming days. My total today was 54, up from 16 yesterday. My average is just under 8 minutes per person but for the last couple of hours it went down to 6 minutes. My personal aim is to register 70 people or more a day.
Apart from the update to the software, the placement of fingers on the scanner is key. There is a little square that MUST be covered by the finger for the print to be captured. The use of methylated spirit to clean the face of the scanner also helps, but I hope the update gets to as many machines, as quickly as possible. It is the missing piece.
One part of being a registration officer that is overlooked is the need for people skills. In times of frustration, keeping calm and helping registrants do same is important. Through everything, I remember to smile and be of good humour. It's stressful, but the appreciation from total strangers makes it worthwhile. Also worthwhile is the realization that I am part of a monumental project that could very well set the tone for a crucial next ten years.
If you are reading this and you haven't registered, please do. Please be patient with the process. Encourage others to be patient as well. This is too important. Tomorrow is another day to RSVP.
Hey Polymath Joe,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog today and I quite love your blind optimistic approach to the registration process. Keep up the excitement, and I hope it is also palpable or at least transmisible to others on ground.
Finally, we the youth get an opportunity to get involved!